Art history and Visual Culture Studies are represented in modular courses of bacherlor-and master degree programmes in various combinations. To focus in these subjects we recommend especially the degree programmes B.A./M.A. Historical Sciences and B.A. European Studies (Major). In addition a bachelor's dissertation or rather a master thesis with a subject-specific topic can be written in line with the degree programmes B.A./M.A. International Cultural and Business studies as well as M.A. Semiotics of Texts and Culture.
Within the broad spectrum of different periods, genres and questions of Art History and Visual Culture Studies the chair focuses its research on the historical anthropolgy of images, reception of architecture as well as art of the 18.th century and German romanticism. In line with the object-orientation of art history and Visual Culture Studies the chair fosters close relationships to external institutions to explore art in Passau sustainably and visible tot he public.

The team members arround Prof. Dr. Jörg Trempler are your contact persons. Here, you can inform about contact dates, office hours and research focuses of each research assistant.