Dr. Ian Milligan

Juni/Juli 2019
Dr. Ian Milligan ist Associate Professor am "Department of History" der University of Waterloo in Kanada. Er ist vom 24. Juni bis 16. Juli 2019 am Lehrstuhl für Digital Humanities zu Gast. In seiner Forschung beschäftigt er sich hauptsächlich damit, wie Geschichtswissenschaftler Webarchive nutzen können. Darüber hinaus unterrichtet er in den Bereichen Methoden der Geschichtswissenschaft, Digital History sowie kanadischer Nachkriegsgeschichte.
Dr. Ian Milligan wird am 27. Juni 2019 um 18 Uhr im Raum NK 412a einen Vortrag halten. Das Thema lautet: "Working with Cultural Heritage at Scale: Enabling Historical Research in the Age of Digital Abundance".
Dr. Saeedeh Momtazi

Januar 2019
Dr. Saeedeh Momtazi ist Assistant Professor an der Amirkabir University of Technology in Tehran, Iran.
Zu ihren Forschungsinteressen zählen: Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Extraction, Question Answering, Opinion Mining, Social Data Analysis.
Ehemalige GastwissenschaftlerInnen

Dr. Timur Valetov
November 2017
Associate Professor in Historical Information Science an der Moscow State University. Foreign trade of Russia/USSR, 1802-1991; Economic and social statistics of Russia, 19th-20th cc.; Historical information science; GIS in history.
Paulo Teodoro de Matos

- Research Fellow Investigator FCT Programme
- Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (Faculty of Social and Human Sciences - FCSH)
- Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
- G astdozent im Wintersemester 2016/ 2017

Mag. Florian Windhager
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Zentrum für Kognition, Information und Management
Donau-Universität Krems (Krems an der Donau, Österreich)
Gastdozent im Sommersemester 2016
41643 Wissenschaftl. Übung: Die Anordnung der Dinge. Informationsvisualisierung für Human- und GeisteswissenschaftlerInnen

Dr. Ronan Crowley
Alexander von Humboldt-Fellow
Projekt "A genetic edition of the Circe episode of James Joyce's Ulysses"
Gastdozent 2014 bis 2016

Prof. Dr. Gerald Steinacher
Associate Professor of History and Hymen Rosenberg Professor of Judaic Studies
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Lincoln, USA)
Gastdozent im Sommersemester 2016
Dr. Andrej Gogora

Department of General and Applied Ethics
Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic
Gastdozent im Wintersemester 2015/16

Prof. Dr. Ray Siemens
Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing
University of Victoria (Victoria, Kanada)
Mai 2014
"My stay at the University of Passau was an excellent chance not only to build on work with colleagues and collaborators at Passau but, further, to understand the rich intellectual context and culture that they and their students work within; we’ve already begun work on a further collaboration, based on what we accomplished on-campus this past May. A few of the things that struck me most during my visit include the interdisciplinary engagement across areas of inquiry, departments, and faculties that my Passau colleagues enjoyed on a daily basis, as well as the integration of the academic institution and its concerns with the institutions and bodies of the city itself. When I think back to my stay at the University of Passau, I recall the energy, the insights, and the accomplishment of the institutions — and the natural beauty of its environs."