Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Christian Identities at the University of Passau
Habilitation "Memory and Bible. The Bible Movement in the 20th Century" at the Faculty of Catholic Theology in Eichstätt, Germany.
Ordination as deacon in the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart
2005 – 2018
Research assistant at the Chair of Historical Theology at the University of Cologne (Prof. Dr. Clemens Scholten)
SS 2012
Doctorate in Theology from the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen with a thesis in the field of the Catholic Enlightenment
1995 – 2002
Studies of Catholic Theology, English and History at the Eberhards-Karls-University Tübingen
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Laura Schmidt
Academic staff at the Department of Catholic Theology and lecturer
I graduated from the University of Passau with a Bachelor's degree in Media and Communication and a teaching degree in Realschule from 2015-2019. I also extended my teaching degree in Catholic Theology and graduated with a Magister Theologiae from the Catholic Private University of Linz after the academic years 2020-2022.
I joined the Department of Catholic Theology as a Research Associate in 2019 and have since worked for the Chair of Exegesis and Biblical Theology and the Chair of Church History and Christian Identities. I am currently active in the administration of the department, which entails a teaching commitment in the area of Church History. In addition, since spring 2022 I have been working as a staff member at the Chair of Theological Ethics and am pursuing my doctoral project in cooperation with KU Linz.
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Olga Schauberger
Administrative staff
Phone: 0851/509 - 5065 Room: 81b KT E-mail: Administrative staff at the Chair of Ecclesiastical History and Christian Identities