Laufende Projekte
Dissertationen (Arbeitstitel)
Geldner, Viktoria: "Abusive Relationships as Romance in Female Authors' Young Adult Literature"
Huber, Bettina: "Perpetrator or Victim? Challenging (Self)Representations of U.S. War Veterans Suffering from PTSD"
Lee, Raehyun: “A Comparative Case Study on the ‘Right to be Forgotten’: Legal and Cultural Discourses in Germany, the U.S., and South Korea”
Schatzl, Judith: “Rewriting the Road: The Journey in the Films of Jim Jarmusch”
Stelzl, Thomas: "Cultural Bias in Post-9/11 German and American Foreign Policy - An Intercultural Comparison"
Zitzelsberger, Florian: "Metaleptic Moments and Queer Potentiality: The Film Musical's Narrative Im_Possibilities"
Habilitationen (Arbeitstitel)
Szlezák, Klara Stephanie: “Literature, Arts, and Political Activism in Jewish America, 1896-1930”
Abgeschlossene Projekte
Baldauf, Ana-Lucia: „Umgangsformen zwischen Berufskultur und Nationalität“ (Zweitbetreuer)
Brandt, Heike: „Invented Traditions: Die Puritaner und das amerikanische Sendungsbewusstsein“ (Zweitbetreuer)
Czech, Susanne: “From Imperialism to World State: The Anglo-American Discourse on Union from the End of the 19th until the Middle of the 20th Centuries”
Friedrich, Antje: “Where Do I Belong? The Dynamics of the Self in Afro-German Life Writing”
Haas, Helene: „Das kulturelle Paradigma“ (Zweitbetreuer)
Hauke, Alexandra: "The Shadow of the Anthropos: Ecofeminism, Frontier Gothicism, and American Folk Horror"
Helm, Paula Marie: „Anonymität und Autonomie -- Eine Ethnographie der Suchtgenesung“
Höpfner, Sebastian: “Jewish Organizations in Transatlantic Perspective: Patterns of Contemporary Jewish Politics in Germany and the United States” (Zweitbetreuer)
Kalous, Isabel: “Contemporary Black Travel Narratives: Tracing Roots/Routes to Africa and Beyond” (Zweitbetreuer)
Koller, Elfriede: “The Voyage of Initiation – 100 Years of Coming of Age in the American West”
Ley, Anna: "Fiktionalisierung der US-amerikanischen Präsidentschaft: Transmediale Dekonstruktion und Destruktion US-amerikanischer zivilreligiöser Narrative in der Netflix-Serie House of Cards"
Makeschin, Sarah: “Barack Obama’s Imagined Presidency – Cultural Performance as Key to the 2008 Presidential Election Campaign”
Schammann, Hannes: „Ethnomarketing und Integration: Eine kulturwirtschaftliche Untersuchung anhand von Fallstudien aus Deutschland, den USA und Großbritannien (UK)“ (Zweitbetreuer)
Schönfelder, Sigrid: “’Gold Fever!’ The Transformation of 19th-Century Women’s Lives and Health Care in the American West”
Vollmann, Vanessa: Founding Mothers of Color: A Critical Race Feminist Investigation of the Female Founder Narrative in the Broadway Musical Hamilton
Squiers, Anthony: “The Apotheosis of the American Founding Fathers: Social Implications of American Civil Religion”