How did the German, French and British colonial governments manage conflicts over religious sounds? Stephanie Zehnle, Professor of Environmental and Technological History at the University of Passau, is leading a subproject on historical practices of tolerance in the DFG Research Group 5472.
An interdisciplinary team at the University of Passau, led by Professor of Ethics Prof Dr Karoline Reinhardt, is developing a university certificate that will provide employees from the technical and engineering fields with further training on the ethical challenges of using AI.
In the ERC project EVINE at the University of Passau, linguist Dr Christian Bentz is using methods from computational linguistics to investigate signs that were created before the invention of writing.
This conference aims to be a pioneer in examining the role that relatives play and could play in the development, maintenance and promotion of sustainable social support structures from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The Passau project PASSAUtonomy is one of the winners of the Science Year 2024 university challenge which has "Freedom" as its theme. It revisits the old idea posited by the philosopher Immanuel Kant – we are free when we are able to give ourselves our own laws.
There are many jokes about disability. In the media, people with disabilities are increasingly appearing in comic contexts, e.g. in (sometimes award-winning) film comedies such as Colegas (Brazil 2013), Campeones (Spain 2018), Die Goldfische (Germany 2019) or The Peanut Butter falcon (USA 2019).
What biases do we hold when we see actors with a disability in film or theatre? To confront us with the image we have of people with a disability, the DFG project EEEM will develop an interactive online game.
In a joint research and development project, the Chair of Digital Humanities and the Grassl planning office are developing a new and innovative service to make hidden wall paintings in historical architecture visible.
A lack of background knowledge in digital privacy can have structural or personal reasons. The BMBF project DiversPrivat has set out to develop mechanisms to improve data protection competence among digital service users.
Professor Karoline Reinhardt (University of Passau) and Professor Roberta Picardi (Università del Molise) have invited German and Italian early career researchers to Villa Vigoni on the banks of Lake Como for extensive talks to develop new political and philosophical approaches to the issue of migration.
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