A fascination for technology and an awareness of the ethical limitations - the technikethikwerkstatt aims to convey both to youngsters and students. In seminars and workshops, young people intensively study the sustainable and responsible use technical innovations.
Hollywood - American dream factory or European export hit? An international conference at the University of Passau focuses on the reciprocal influences from Europe and the USA on the film industry. Hollywood cinema is as paradoxical as the concept of America itself: "Founded and made great above all by Jewish immigrants and providing a refuge for foreigners in the United States, in many ways it has been a somewhat 'un-American' institution, just as it is at the same time the most American of institutions" - argues Michael Richardson in Otherness in Hollywood Cinema.
ViSIT, a programme funded by the EFRE within the project Interreg Bayern-Österreich 2014 - 2020, uses the digital structural transformation for an enhanced valorization of our cultural heritage: The Passauer Veste Oberhaus and the Festung Kufstein are the two exponants of castles and residences in the Inn-Salzach-Donau region that will be developed for visitors by using multimedia installations and a virtual compound system -further locations like Golling, Salzburg, Tittmoning and Burghausen will likewise be integrated.
Enticed into the Russian Empire by Tsarina Catherine II, ethnically German Russians (also known as Volga Germans) left many traces in Russia and the post-Soviet states. A research group at the University of Passau is now tracing their footsteps and collecting their findings in a handbook to facilitate future research in this area.
Late Socialist Eastern and East-Central Europe between the Private and the Public The conference will take place on December 8-10, 2017 at the University of Passau, Germany. It will be jointly sponsored by the Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Eastern Germany and the DFG Research Training Group 1681/2 'Privacy and Digitalization' of the University of Passau.
What could interest historians in 2058 about the 2018 online election campaign in Bavaria? In the Web Archives project of the German Research Foundation (DFG), a team from the University of Passau is developing methods to systematically archive websites, online reports, social-media discussions and comments.
This project aims to promote skills in students and university professors for configuration of the 'digital turn' in the education sector. In teaching-and-learning laboratories, processes are analysed, researched and methodically further developed.
This project is aimed at developing a comprehensive panorama of the Romance languages throughout the African continent. 38 African countries are characterized by a French, Belgian, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish past that is perceptible today in a sometimes more, sometimes less direct way.
The goal of computer-assisted language comparison is to decrease the strict division into classical -- mostly manual (also "qualitative") -- and computational -- often still experimental -- approaches to historical and typological language comparison.