International Congress from May 7th to May 9th, 2021
The concept of contingency, stemming from Aristotle, which refers to everything that is neither necessary nor impossible, points to a fundamental epistemological fact: namely, that everything humans recognize depends on perspectives and reference systems.
How does literature deal with the topic of diversity? At the congress "Diversidad cultural – ficcional – ¿moral?", which was held at the University of Passau from 31 January to 3 February 2018, researchers sought to answer this question by analysing Spanish-language texts.
At the invitation of the Chair of Romance Literatures and Cultures (Prof. Dr Susanne Hartwig), a conference on "Ethics in Literature" took place at the University of Passau from 9 to 11 October 2015. Under the title "Ser y deber ser", 20 academics from Spain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and the USA gathered to discuss the role of literature, theatre and film in dealing with moral dilemmas of the 20th century.
From 12 to 14 October 2012, the congress "Culto del mal, cultura del mal" took place at the University of Passau with international participants. The significance of 'Culto del mal' in the fields of literature, theatre, cinema and the visual arts was compared under the aspects of "reality" and "fiction".
Vom 24. bis 27. September 2009 fand an der Universität Passau das 5. Coloquio internacional Literatura Hispanoamericana y sus valores unter dem Titel "Los indígenas en la literatura hispanoamericana" statt.
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