Seminar papers
When writing seminar papers in our introductory (Proseminar) and advanced seminars (Hauptseminar), please note the following points:
- Papers in the introductory courses should generally consist of 12 pages of continuous text. Papers in the advanced seminars should generally consist of 20 pages of continuous text. In the case of group work, these page numbers may vary. Please discuss this with your lecturer.
- Students should consult our guidelines. for all formal requirements. Before submitting your work, check your exam registration in HisQis and indicate the details of the registered module on your cover sheet. Incorrect information or incorrect HisQis registrations will inevitably lead tot problems with the booking of grades! The print version of the paper should be stapled. Please refrain from using cost-intensive covers, loose-leaf binders, spiral bindings, etc. The digital version should be sent as a PDF file.
- The deadline for all seminar papers is approx. two weeks after the end of the lecture and will be communicated for each semester under news as well as in the seminars. Therefore, you should start working on your term paper early.
You can hand in the printed version in person or by post:
You can hand it in person at the secretary's office during office hours as well as on the last day of the deadline see News, or by post adressing it to; Chair of Intercultural Communication, Lecturer xxx, Gottfried-Schäffer-Str. 20, 94032 Passau.
The date indicated at the postmark will count as the date of submission. There will be no confirmation, however, upon reception.
Meanwhile please also send a PDF file of the term paper by email to the secretary's office (only papers for Prof. Barmeyer) or to the lecturer according to his/her instructions.
Please do not, under any circumstances, drop off your work at the letterbox of the chair! Do not leave your work in front of our chair offices! Do not hand in your work to neighbouring chairs or institutions!