Term papers, final papers (BA, MA)
General information about final and term papers
Please enclose the declaration of originality with your paper.
For the term papers please use the cover page of the Chair.
Cover page for courses on Spanish/Latin American topics
Cover page for courses on French topics
Please observe the instructions for writing a scientific work of the chair when preparing the term paper.
Please send a digital version of your paper (Word or PDF file) to the lecturer.
We normally do not send confirmations of receipt of term papers. Please refrain from making enquiries. Thank you for your understanding.
Final papers
If you would like to complete a final paper at the Chair of Romance Literatures and Cultures, please come for an initial discussion during the consultation hour or attend the Oberseminar “Abschlussarbeiten” (Final papers) of Prof. Dr Hartwig.
Regular attendance of the Oberseminar is compulsory. It is up to you to decide when to start the course. We recommend that you attend the Oberseminar one year before beginning your final paper.
The Oberseminar is open to all students who would like to find out in general about the modalities of writing a final paper at the Chair of Prof. Hartwig.
The Oberseminar is open to all students who would like to find out in general about the modalities of writing a final paper at the Chair of Prof. Hartwig.
Please use the cover sheet of the Chair (bachelor's thesis or master's thesis) when writing your paper.
Deadline for submission of final papers
Since the winter semester 2014/2015, the following regulation applies for final papers:
You must be regularly enrolled in the degree programme for which the final paper is being written during the time of registration, while you are working on the dissertation, and on the day of submission. It is not possible to submit your final paper during a gap semester or after the withdrawal or exclusion from studies at the university.
Research for seminar papers
Please find advices on research in the field of Romance studies on the website of the University Library.