Research stay at the Stockholm School of Economics
8th–12th December 2014, Professor Barmeyer visited the Centre for Advanced Studies in Leadership Research Institute at the prestigious Handelshögskolan in Stockholm to work on a research cooperation with Professor Laurence Romani and to write a book contribution on intercultural management for the edited volume by Professors Petia Genkova and Tobias Ringeisen, 'Diversity Kompetenz'. As part of his visit, Professor Barmeyer met various researchers from the Institute, including doctoral students working on intercultural topics, such as Katharina Pilhofer. The photo shows Katharina Pilhofer, Professor Laurence Romani and Professor Christoph Barmeyer.
Intercultural Management at the Turkish-German University
17th to the 21st November 2014, Prof. Barmeyer taught in the second year of the master's programme in 'Intercultural Management' at the Turkish-German University (TGU) in Istanbul. The 16 participants with German, German-Turkish and Turkish socialisation backgrounds were familiarised with topics such as intercultural management research, intercultural knowledge management, organisational culture and international transfer, comparative culture leadership and negotiated culture and intercultural synergy. At the end, they worked on raising the awareness of the particular resources of bicultural people – such as multilingualism, meta-cognition and intercultural competence – and their constructive use in international organisations.
Clemens Blanke, Marketing Director of the traditional Turkish detergent manufacturer Uzay, spoke about intercultural marketing as a guest speaker and shared his personal intercultural wealth of experience of management in Turkey and Japan with the students. In addition to classical inputs from Prof. Barmeyer, the course also involved the application of dialogical and participatory methods that activated the participants, such as case studies, simulations and systemic interventions.
Students of Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée in Passau
28th to the 29th October 2014, a group of 19 students from the Human Resource Management and Global Staffing master’s programme at Université Paris-Marne-la-Vallée (IAE Gustave Eiffel) visited the University of Passau. The occasion was a multi-day study trip under the direction of Professor Sylvie Chevrier and Professor Catherine Maman on 'Intercultural Training and Developing Cross-Cultural Competences'.
As part of their stay, the group visited Passau ICUnet.AG and met representatives of the University’s Centre for Careers and Competencies (ZKK), amongst other things. In addition, exchange and interaction with students of our double master’s ICBS-LEA were in the foreground. Together, they discussed the challenges of global mobility in the context of intercultural HR management and, at the same time, tested and discussed the possible uses of intercultural simulations. We thank our French guests and our students for the fruitful and inspiring exchange.
'Wissenschaft trifft Wirtschaft im interkulturellen Dialog' Symposium at the Turkish-German University Istanbul
Professor Barmeyer and Barbara Agha-Alikhani took part in the 'Wissenschaft trifft Wirtschaft im interkulturellen Dialog' Symposium organised by Professor Ernst Struck at the Turkish-German University (TDU) Istanbul from 19th-21st October 2014. The aim of the symposium was to look at new phenomena and developments in intercultural management from a practical as well as research-oriented perspective, and at the same time to promote Turkish-German dialogue between students, researchers and managers of both countries. Representatives from business and politics were present for this purpose, as well as scholars from the partner university in Passau, who teach at the TDU in the 'Intercultural Management' (IKM) master's programme.<br/>On the second day of the symposium, participants were invited to company tours at Mercedes-Benz Turkey and SIEMENS. A joint closing event summarised the findings from research and industry. Full programme<br/>Professor Barmeyer gave his talk 'Interkulturelles Management: Praxis, Forschung und aktuelle Themenfelder' on the Tuesday and moderated the visit to SIEMENS on the Wednesday.
Research stay by Professor Stein
16th-19th June 2014. In addition to the two lectures held by Prof. Stein at the University of Passau, 'Embeddedness von Organisationen' and 'Führung internationaler virtueller Teams', the aim was to work on joint research and publication projects at the intersection of interculturality and organisational research.
Professor Volker Stein teaches and conducts research on strategic personnel management, intercultural personnel management, the management of International Virtual Teams (IVTs), personnel management and organisational management in SMEs, decentralised organisations and the governance logic of universities and education systems. In 2013, he published the volume 'Interkulturelle Wettbewerbsstrategien' with Professor Christian Scholz.
Intercultural competence development through simulation games
summer semester 2014.
The aim of the innovative interdisciplinary and experience-oriented seminar is to promote key intercultural competencies such as changes of perspective, role distance, empathy and flexibility through the use of board simulation games developed by the students themselves. Here, an interesting aspect is that cultural differences, intercultural conflicts and their effects on processes can be represented so that the players experience the direct consequences of their behaviour (success or failure).
Following on from a theoretical block session dealing with the genesis, models and methods of simulation games and interculturality, as well as intercultural competence, the students elaborate their own board game in three different project teams, which is played in the last session by their classmates and seminar leaders. The following short film shows excerpts and impressions from the seminar.
German-French double master’s degree
29th and 30th April 2014. In addition to an information event for interested students of the master's programme, which can be studied either in the field of 'international management' or as 'management of humanitarian and cultural projects' in France, the programme leaders held talks with current students, coordination meetings with each other and with colleagues, as well as with representatives of the University of Passau.
International research project
beginning of April 2014. Prof. Delmestri attended for a first exchange of ideas with Prof. Christoph Barmeyer and Andreas Landes. At the meeting, they collected possible approaches and directions for a joint project for the intercultural integration of highly qualified specialists. The aim is to integrate common competencies in intercultural organisation and management research as well as intercultural research in an international research network. It is hoped that Prof. Eric Davoine, Professor of Personnel Management and Organisation at the University of Fribourg, can also be involved.
Prof. Giuseppe Delmestri, who will be taking up a position at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in September 2014, received his doctorate from the University of Mannheim and habilitated at the Parthenope University of Naples. He is currently pursuing research projects on institutional change and logic, as well as on the 'glocalisation' of manager identities.