Lectureship at the University of Bordeaux
From December 18 to December 22, 2023, Tuzienka Chenet Ugarte spent five days at the University of Bordeaux, IAE (Institut d'administration des entreprises), to teach Master students in International Management. This Master’s programme is under the pedagogical direction of Prof. Emmanuelle Sauvage, who also made this teaching visit possible. During this week, she also continued to work on her dissertation project in dialogue with other lecturers from this business school. As part of the Erasmus+ staff mobility programme, she was able to strengthen cooperation with the partner university in Bordeaux and experience teaching content and methods in a different cultural context. Thanks to the International Office in Passau and Bordeaux for coordinating and successfully facilitating this mobility experience.
Hybrid Master's defence at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Mexico
On November 24, 2023, the first defence of a Master's thesis took place at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico, with Dr Martina Maletzky de García as reviewer and supervisor. In cooperation with the Bavarian Red Cross, Amir Estrada had previously dealt with the topic of "Immigration of Mexican nursing staff into the German healthcare sector" and successfully defended his thesis in front of the Mexican examination board. The Chair congratulates him on passing his exam!
Turkish-German Double Master - Winter Semester 2023/24
The German-language double master's degree programme "Intercultural Management" (IKM) was one of the first degree programmes to be introduced at the Turkish-German University (TDU) Istanbul back in 2013. As part of the Flying Faculty Programme, the Chair of Intercultural Communication at the University of Passau is represented for a fortnight every year in the winter semester with two lectures and a main seminar on the topics of 'Intercultural Communication and Cultural Comparison' and 'Intercultural Management'.
This semester, Professor Christoph Barmeyer and research assistant Tuzienka Chenet Ugarte taught eight students on the double Master's degree programme from November 01 to 06 and from November 13 to 17, 2023. The introductory event covered important theories and concepts of intercultural communication and used country-specific examples to explain important fields of intercultural research. Through the discussion of selected theories and case studies, supplemented by practical exercises, the students received a comprehensive broadening and deepening of knowledge in the field of intercultural communication. In the second week of lectures, an overview of theories, concepts, developments, topics and forms of intercultural management in various academic disciplines and cultural areas was given and illustrated with empirical research results from working contexts in international organisations.
Can diversity management fulfil the demand for justice? Hans Lindner Foundation philosophises with students of the chair
Justice is propagated as a guiding theme in many areas of today's society. But is it really that easy to achieve it? The question of what justice means (in multicultural settings) and what conditions must be met in order to achieve it was the subject of a cooperation between the Hans Lindner Foundation and the Chair of Intercultural Communication at the University of Passau (Dr Martina Maletzky de García) on October 30, 2023. As part of a seminar on diversity management, Christian Schläger, Head of Youth Development at the Hans Lindner Foundation and trainer for philosophical dialogue, used the method of philosophical dialogue to encourage students to think about what justice means and implies. The philosophical dialogue showed that defining and implementing justice is more difficult than initially assumed. Accordingly, constant scrutiny of diversity management measures in companies is essential if the promises of the concept are to be realised.
The Hans Lindner Foundation has set itself the goal of establishing the appreciative dialogue form of philosophising with children, adolescents and young adults in Eastern Bavaria. Philosophising is a contribution to Education for Sustainable Development (BNE), which should enable people to think and act in a sustainable way.
"Passauer Neue Presse", November 09, 2023
The conference of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management (IACCM) (located at WU Vienna, see website https://www.wu.ac.at/iaccm/about-iaccm/) took place from October 25 to October 27, 2023 at the Università Parthenope di Napoli in Naples. The Chair of Intercultural Communication played a special role in this event. Professor Barmeyer was not only the leader of the doctoral workshop "Doing qualitative research in intercultural contexts. Methodological orientations and selfreflexivity in Intercultural Management Research", but also the keynote speaker on the topic "Constructive Intercultural Management. Challenges, Concepts, Conditions", which opened the conference. Moreover, Dr. Sina Großkopf is Secretary General of the IACCM and supported the conference in the scientific committee, as well as chairing a discussion session for doctoral students and a plenary session of the main conference on "Innovation and Sustainability". Professor Barmeyer and Dr. Sina Großkopf also gave a joint presentation on "Multicultural individuals as creative change agents - Migrants breaking through organisational routines in four German organisations". This presentation is based on Dr. Sina Großkopf's dissertation, which uses four qualitative case studies of aerospace and management consulting in Germany to show that multicultural individuals break through organisational routines and creatively bring about change and innovation for the organisation through intercultural negotiation with their teammates. The IACCMcommunity was a specialist audience of practitioners and academics who wish to advance intercultural communication and management (see https://www.wu.ac.at/iaccm/about-iaccm/mission-and-practices/ for the Association's objectives). In addition to presentations on cultural competencies, cross-cultural entrepreneurship and intercultural marketing, topics on diversity in the workplace, sustainability in health care, and the energy and climate crisis were also presented, in keeping with the conference title "Responsible Management: Social Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion". Villa Doria d'Angri was a gorgeous and inspiring conference venue in a dreamlike setting above the Mediterranean Sea that strengthened and built intercultural community. A big thank you goes to Chiara Cannavale, President of IACCM, who with her team made this special conference possible!
More Information can be found here: https://www.disaq.uniparthenope.it/iaccm-conference/
Academic Presentations at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada
Upon the invitation of Professor Luciara Nardon, Professor Christoph Barmeyer and Dr. Sina Grosskopf gave two lectures at Carleton University in Ottawa on September 25, 2023. The first lecture, entitled "Creativity of immigrant entrepreneurs - cases of multicultural individuals", addressed a broader audience of graduate students, PhD students and professors in a hybrid event, focused on the current research project on immigrant entrepreneurs in Québec and German. As multicultural individuals, they are carriers of cultural diversity, which is characterized by a particular cognitive complexity. The cultural repertoire that emerges, such as multilingualism, diversity of perspective, creativity, problem-solving ability, enables them to develop special ideas and to incorporate them as innovations in their entrepreneurial activities. Migrant entrepreneurs are thus able to develop a special sort of intercultural creativity.
A second presentation was held at Professor Luciara Nardon's doctoral colloquium entitled "Multi-paradigmatic sensitivity in management research." This presentation pleads for multi-paradigm studies in research in order to reach a more multifaceted representation of cultural phenomena. The argument corresponds to the ambition of cross-cultural management to respect and adopt multiple (cultural) perspectives and, analogously, to achieve a ‘paradigmatic ethnorelativism’. The presentation fostered an understanding of intercultural research through openness to different paradigms.
Both presentations, based on the approach of constructive interculturality practiced by the Chair of Intercultural Communication, contributed to stimulating discussions.
As part of the advanced seminar "Intercultural Entrepreneurship", organised together with Tobi Rodrigue from UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) in the summer semester 2023, Professor Christoph Barmeyer and Dr. Sina Grosskopf conducted a student trip in Québec and Ontario from 16 to 27 September 2023.
The aim of the excursion was to offer students a comprehensive picture of Montréal's innovation ecosystem; with a focus on interculturality, entrepreneurship and immigrant integration. In addition, numerous public and private actors and institutions were visited, such as the UQAM, the Ministry of Immigration, the representation of the State of Bavaria in Montréal, the German Consulate General, the District 3 start-up centre of the University Concordia, the migrant business consultancy Pont Montréal, Tohu (a circus project) and institutions in the city of Drummondville that accompany migrant entrepreneurs in their start-up and integration into Québec society, e.g. the Sociéte de développement économique de Drummondville and Intro Drummondville. The study trip concluded with a visit to the capital city of Ottawa and a lecture and discussion on Canadian language policy at the Canadian Government Official Languages Centre of Excellence and a tour of Canada's National Museum of History and Society.
The students gained extensive cross-cultural insights into Québec's socio-economic social system and had plenty of opportunity to discuss with the different actors in the innovation ecosystem to understand how to successfully foster innovation and start-ups. The programme of the study trip can be found here.
Lecture on intercultural challenges and benefits of skilled labour immigration to Germany
On September 26, 2023, Dr. Martina Maletzky de García and Herbert Altmann, Regional Manager at the Deggendorf District Office, gave a presentation at the TRIOKON conference on the "Future of Work". In their presentation, Dr. Maletzky de García and Mr. Altmann highlighted intercultural challenges that can arise from recruitment to staff retention when hiring foreign professionals. The lecture was rounded off with practical experiences. Mr. Altmann reported on a project to recruit and support Bulgarian trainees by the regional management of the Deggendorf district. In summary, conditions were presented under which synergy effects can be used in the cooperation of foreign and local employees.
SMART-vhb: "Maître chez nous" - Development of society and politics in Québec since the Révolution Tranquille
The Virtual University of Bavaria (VHB) offers a diverse range of online self-study courses available in various flexible formats, allowing students to tailor their learning experience according to their preferred time and location. As part of the SMART-vhb project titled "Maître chez nous - Development of Society and Politics in Québec since the Révolution Tranquille" a team comprising Prof. Dr. Christoph Barmeyer, Tuzienka Chenet Ugarte, and Felina Sieland diligently crafted five comprehensive learning modules. These modules delve into political, social, demographic, (inter)cultural, and entrepreneurial aspects of the Québec region. The development work spanned from October 2021 to October 2022.
These modules cover a wide array of topics, including language policy, Québec's distinctive cultural position within Canada, and the role of interculturality as a catalyst for creativity, among others. Furthermore, the project features insightful expert interviews conducted with Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Kuyken (Université du Québec à Montréal), Prof. Dr. Victor Armony (Université du Québec à Montréal), and the accomplished translator, Louis Bouchard. These teaching units are accessible to both educators and students across Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences who seek to deepen their understanding of Québec.
For easy access, you can find these online teaching units on the VHB-Smart repository at the following link: https://smart.vhb.org
Teaching and congress stay at the University of Bordeaux: Award for the best paper
Professor Christoph Barmeyer stayed at IAE Bordeaux from July 2 to July 6, 2023 as part of an Erasmus teaching stay in the Master International Management and also participated in the international ATLAS/AFMI conference "Décarboner le management international". Together with Birgit Gabriel, he presented a research paper on "Comment construire une culture hybride et synergétique dans une organisation binationale ? Le cas d'ARTE", in which Professor Eric Davoine (University of Fribourg) is also involved. A case study of the European television broadcaster was used to illustrate how employees find synergistic solutions to Franco-German challenges in mutual intercultural negotiation processes. The research also shows which factors favor the development of synergistic practices: parity of organizational structures, intercultural and linguistic competence profiles of actors, learning processes, and interpersonal relationships. Fortunately, the article was awarded the prize for the best paper. As always, the international congress contributed to many content-related and methodological suggestions and enabled the exchange with interesting colleagues.
“Management and cultures: qualitative organizational research” EURAM-Conference “Transforming business for good” in Dublin 2023
For the seventh time, Professor Christoph Barmeyer and Professors Sylvie Chevrier (Université Gustave Eiffel, Paris-Est) and Mette Zølner (Aarhus University, Aarhus) organized a section (Standing Interest Group) entitled "Management and cultures: qualitative organizational research" within the EURAM conference (European Academy of Management). The Dublin conference, which was very well attended with 2,000 participants, was held at the venerable Trinity College from June 13-16, 2023.
The section was dedicated to researching and discussing cultures in organizations using qualitative methods. Cultural descriptions, cultural comparisons and intercultural relations of work with regard to languages, migrants and interculturality, international transfer of management tools as well as bicultural personalities were on the agenda. The total of 13 working papers and presentations often had a culture-specific reference and dealt with societies such as Japan, Canada, Tanzania, China, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Austria, Thailand, India, Russia or Vietnam. In the course of the discussions, the importance of contexts and, accordingly, of emic approaches was highlighted. Methodological issues, such as the challenges of a qualitative research process (regarding trust, language, etc.) were also addressed.
The Standing Interest Group will be offered again next year as part of the EURAM meeting, which will be held at the University of Bath, June 25-28, 2024.
Presentations at the EURAM-Conference in Dublin 2023
This year's EURAM (European Academy of Management) conference took place at the Business School of Trinity College in Dublin, from June 14-16, 2023, on the topic "Transforming Business for Good". The Chair of Intercultural Communication was represented there by Professor Christoph Barmeyer, Dr. Martina Maletzky de García, Sina Großkopf and Tuzienka Chenet Ugarte.
In the section entitled "Management and cultures: qualitative organizational research" organized by Professor Christoph Barmeyer with Professors Sylvie Chevrier (Université Gustave Eiffel, Paris-Est) and Mette Zølner (Aarhus University, Aarhus), the colleagues presented two research studies. Professor Barmeyer and Sina Großkopf showed results of a research titled "Creativity is everything when it comes to entrepreneurship" - Cultural-based creativity of migrant entrepreneurs in Montréal" on June 14, which examines the factors that foster creativity among migrant entrepreneurs in of Montréal. This study examines the characteristics of culture-based creativity linked to the cultural contrasts they experience due to different cultural influences. On June 15, Dr. Martina Maletzky de García and Tuzienka Chenet Ugarte presented the article "Biculturalism in top management of the largest Mexican companies: career capital or obstacle?" which explores the issue of biculturalism as career capital in a context-specific study. This paper investigates whether biculturalism can be observed in top management positions of Mexican companies and can be considered as an advantage. The results were discussed considering the specificities of the Mexican professional field. The conference provided a great opportunity for personal exchange and networking with colleagues from different countries dedicated to exploring topics in management research using quantitative and qualitative methods.
Disputation Sina Großkopf
On June 7, 2023, Sina Großkopf successfully defended her dissertation entitled "Unfolding potential and shaping organisational routines - migrants as multicultural individuals and intercultural negotiation in different organisational contexts".
The disputation took place at the University of Passau: The evaluation committee consisted of the first evaluator Professor Christoph Barmeyer ("Universität Passau"), the second evaluator Professor Sonja Sackmann ("Universität der Bundeswehr München") and the chairperson of the committee Professor Ursula Reutner ("Universität Passau"). Based on four qualitative case studies of aerospace and management consulting in Germany, Sina Großkopf shows in her dissertation how migrants as multicultural individuals break organisational routines and creatively bring about change and innovation for the organisation in intercultural negotiation with their team colleagues. The organisational context plays a major role in the multicultural individuals' scope and function for change. Thus, a theoretical contribution is made to the potentials and competencies of multicultural individuals, as well as a practical contribution through implications for human resource and organisational development in relation to cultural diversity in specific organisational contexts.
Québec Day: "Diversity, Intercultural Creativity and Migrant Entrepreneurship. Québec-Bavaria"
On May 26, 2023, the Chair of Intercultural Communication at the University of Passau organized a public Québec Day focusing in an interdisciplinary way on diversity, intercultural creativity and entrepreneurship in the context of Bavaria and Québec.
The special feature of the Québec Day was the combination of the complementary fields of Constructive Interculturality and Entrepreneurship in Québec and Bavaria, which are linked by a decades-long and profound partnership between the two regions in political, scientific, cultural and economic fields.
The objectives of the event were to present recent academic research results directly related to Bavaria and Québec, to engage in an interdisciplinary dialogue that can strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship, and to promote networking between different target groups (students, entrepreneurs, scientists, actors of public institutions).
Through the varied program of lectures and discussion panels in three languages (English, French, German), the topics were opened up and discussed from different perspectives (practice-theory, research-teaching, Quebec-Bavaria).
Here you can find a further report on the Québec Day.
The Québec Day took place in the framework of a cooperation with UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal), Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi (Montréal) and Wild Campus Rosenheim in connection with a joint course in the summer semester 2023 between the University of Passau and UQAM on intercultural entrepreneurship coupled.
The event was sponsored by the Québec Ministry of International Relations and Francophonie.
Québec week as part of the master seminar "Intercultural Entrepreneurship. Québec-Bavaria"
14 students from the University of Passau and UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal), participated in a joint course on intercultural entrepreneurship during the summer semester 2023. The event, led by Professor Barmeyer, Sina Großkopf (Chair of Intercultural Communication) and Tobi Rodrigue (ESG, Université du Québec à Montréal), allowed students to work in intercultural (virtual) teams on their own business start-up projects.
An integral part of the main seminar was a joint week in Bavaria from May 21 to May 28, 2023, which offered a varied program: thus, the students were familiarized with Bavarian start-up and innovation ecosystems by visiting the Creative Quarter and Gate Garching in Munich and the INN.Kubator in Passau. The week began with a get-to-know-you workshop at the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) in Munich. Likewise, the students had the opportunity to deal with start-ups under the guidance of Michael Kriegel (Wild Campus Rosenheim) and Maria Wilhelm (Transfer und Gründungsförderung Universität Passau) and could participate in a binational ideation workshop. The highlight of the joint week was the public Québec Day on May 26 at the University of Passau, which brought together academics, students, entrepreneurs and stakeholders from public institutions in Québec and Germany to address the topics of "diversity, intercultural creativity and entrepreneurship." At the end of the joint course, the Passau students will travel to Montréal in September to present their start-up projects with their fellow Québec students as part of a summer school.
The Québec Week was sponsored by the Québec Ministry of International Relations and Francophonie.

Research stay of Rosanna Schropp from Québec (UQAM)
In May 2023, Rosanna Schropp, a PhD student at the École des Sciences de la Gestion (ESG) of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), spent a one-month research visit at the Chair of Intercultural Communication. Rosanna Schropp is supervised by Kerstin Kuyken, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at ESG UQAM as well as cooperation partner of Professor Christoph Barmeyer.
During her stay, Rosanna Schropp gave a lecture entitled "A critical look at national culture: What can we learn from regions? A comparison Bavaria - Québec" in the course "Constructive Intercultural Management". At the Québec Day at the University of Passau on May 26, she gave a presentation on the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Québec together with her Québec colleague and PhD student Tobi Rodrigue. During the Québec week, she also accompanied the group of students from UQAM and the University of Passau in the course "Intercultural Entrepreneurship" in numerous activities and events in Passau and Munich. Due to her life experiences in both cultures, she was able to act as an important bridge builder between the Bavarian and Québec students.
In addition, she had the opportunity to present her doctoral thesis on "Intergenerational knowledge transfer in journalism in Bavaria and Québec" at the chair's doctoral colloquium, as well as to establish important contacts with researchers, entrepreneurs, and actors from public institutions in the Bavaria-Québec partnership for future projects throughout her stay.
The research stay was financially supported by the Québec Ministry of International Relations and Francophonie (Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie).
Guest lecture on skilled labour immigration to the district of Deggendorf
On May 08, 2023, Herbert Altmann, regional manager of the Deggendorf district, presented the activities and challenges of recruiting and integrating skilled workers from Bulgaria. The practical insights into everyday work and the anecdotes about intercultural misunderstandings were a welcome change from the theory and basics of intercultural communication that are normally the subject of the lecture.
Using Biculturals as Bridge Builders - 1st Bridgebuilder Workshop at the InnKubator of the University of Passau
The first bridge-building workshop took place on February 04, 2023 under the direction of Dr. Martina Maletzky de García (Chair of Intercultural Communication) and Barbara Bauersachs (International Support Service). The aim was to develop a concept based on individual design thinking elements with relevant actors from the city and district of Passau on how so-called bridge builders can be systematically used to mediate between German and migrant communities. Bridge builders are people who are located in several cultures and can thus put themselves in the shoes of the respective culture. During the workshop, social areas were first identified in which bridge builders would be needed. These include mediation between ideas of health and health prevention, education systems, job search, etc. and support in overcoming contact barriers between German and migrant groups of people. One solution is the targeted use of community-specific (virtual) networks to build a group of bridge-builders who can act as a mouthpiece in the separate life worlds of the groups, but also as communicators of needs and challenges from within the groups. A second solution would be to establish a real intercultural meeting space that offers opportunities for exchange and combines cultural and culinary aspects. The participants, all bridge builders from different backgrounds (Ukraine, Syria, Mexico, Iran, Tanzania and Germany), represented a wide range of organisations and circles that support the participation of migrants. The workshop was financed by prize money won in the Ideas Workshop during the Weeks for Democracy. Further workshops are planned to put the first ideas into practice. We would like to thank all those involved, the students of the project seminar at the Chair of Intercultural Communication and the participants in the "All You Can Do" project for their support.
Research stay of Professor Jaime Bonache
Professor Jaime Bonache from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid stayed at the University of Passau from January 23 to February 03, 2023 with the Visiting Scholars Program at the Chair of Intercultural Communication. Professor Christoph Barmeyer and research assistant Sina Großkopf used the days for intensive collaboration and inspired discussions on the research project on scientific paradigms. This included working meetings on a jointly edited call for papers "Paradigms, discourses and counter-narratives in CCM as an opportunity for broadening horizons: A call for multifaceted insights" in the International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, as well as contributing to paradigmatic perspective diversity in the internal PhD colloquium and discussing an article publication with prior conference submission for 2024. Ideas were captured in a video for students and researchers. Professor Bonache also delivered a session as part of the undergraduate lecture Introduction to Intercultural Communication and Management with the topic "Compensating Global Mobility and Culture." We thank Professor Bonache for the fruitful teamwork and look forward to the ongoing project!
From digital to real interculturality - study trip to Mexico
As part of the seminar "Configurations of economic Action in German-Mexican Comparison", which took place virtually in the winter semester 2022/2023 together with students from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) in Mexico City, a study trip to Mexico was conducted from January 13 to 23, 2023.
Together with fellow students from the Mexican university, students from the Chair of Intercultural Communication, under the guidance of Dr. Martina Maletzky de García (University of Passau) and Bruno Gandlgruber (UAM, Mexico), got to know different forms of economies and worked out German-Mexican similarities and differences in the context of small-scale field research in Mexico. The programme included small joint seminar units and field research, a visit to the Audi training centre in the state of Puebla, where the German dual training system was introduced, a visit to the city "Ciudad Modelo" designed by Audi, also an ethnography at a traditional market and a visit to the German-CAMEXA. In addition, the owners of a well-known Mexican design studio (Collección Serpentina) provided insights into the ups and downs of their business. An entertaining leisure programme also gave insights into everyday Mexican culture. This included a salsa dance class, a visit to the pyramids of Teotihuacan as well as the famous "Lucha Libre", a Mexican show fight, which, next to football, is one of the most popular sports among Mexicans.
German and Mexican students agreed: the best way to grasp culture is through direct face-to-face contact.
The study trip was subsidized by PROMOS. The seminar in which the study trip took place is part of the format "Digital Interculturality", which is funded by the Teaching Innovation Pool.
60th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty, Professor Christoph Barmeyer, together with Professor Daniel Göler and Veronique Coiffet, participated in a panel discussion organized and moderated by Professor Marina Hertrampf on January 23, 2023. The Élysée Treaty, the "Treaty of the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on Franco-German Cooperation," signed by President Charles de Gaulle and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in 1962 and entered into force in 1963, was a milestone in international understanding after centuries of Franco-German wars. It established numerous consultations in foreign, security, youth and cultural policy and led to many important achievements that furthered European integration, such as student exchanges, town twinning, the Franco-German Youth Office, the Franco-German Institute in Ludwigsburg and also later the Franco-German Brigade with the Eurocorps or the Franco-German University. In the well-attended panel discussion, which took place in the evening in the library lounge of the University of Passau, it also became clear that the German-French relations need new impulses and projects not only on the political side, but also on the civil society and economic side, in order to continue the German-French and European success story.